6 Reasons to Join Your Local Chamber of Commerce

A local chamber of commerce is one of the most valuable resources within a business’s community. Joining one can provide your small business with exclusive benefits you may not have access to otherwise. 



What is a Chamber of Commerce? 

A chamber of commerce is a network of businesses that work together to support their shared interests. The businesses within a chamber may be connected through their location or their field. Chambers often host events, advocate for businesses’ needs with lawmakers, and offer other support for members.  


Benefits of Joining Your Local Chamber of Commerce 

Each chamber may provide its own unique set of benefits to members, but here are some general advantages to joining a local chamber of commerce. 

  1. Establish your business’s credibility. Belonging to a chamber of commerce tells customers that your business is highly regarded within the community. Chamber membership sets your business apart from others by showing that it has earned a place in an esteemed business network. 
  1. Build a network of other businesses to support yours. Being part of a chamber is a great way to get to know businesses and businesses owners in your community. Your new business friends will probably be happy to support you with discounts, advice, assistance with special tasks, word-of-mouth marketing, collaborative projects, and more. 
  1. Give back to your community of businesses. Small businesses with chamber memberships don’t just serve customers; they also serve each other. Just as other businesses would support you with special offerings, discounts, and more, you can do the same for them and know you’re making a difference for your fellow small business owners. 
  1. Access professional development resources. Chambers often host trainings for professional development to help members grow their skillsets. These events are useful for anyone, especially business owners who value continued education
  1. Level up your business’s marketing. Many chambers send out regular communication to share news, and they’re usually happy to highlight their members. You may be able to land a feature in a newsletter or mass email from your chamber or on their social media. 
  1. Advocate for your business’s needs. Chambers can influence public policy as they meet with lawmakers to speak about the needs of their members. Joining a chamber can help you make sure your voice is heard and your business is represented in conversations about relevant policies.