We have another Spook-tastic Halloween event in Downtown Skokie. The Skokie Chamber of Commerce, Village of Skokie, and Kaleidoscope Dance and Movement Center proudly bring to you this fun and engaging community event that have been going on for over 10 years. This is one of the best events that brings the Skokie business district together with the residential audience. Last year we had 3000 residents walking the downtown Skokie area!
This annual event starts with students of School District 69 and their art project that gets posted into the merchant windows of all Downtown Skokie businesses participating in this event. On Saturday October 28, from 1-3pm, all residents and their families are invited to dress up and walk the streets of downtown Skokie, trick or treating from business to business who set up a candy and activity station, including some music/DJ stations, in front of their stores. Vacancies and non-participating businesses will be occupied by additional community supporters who are not centrally located in Downtown Skokie.
The Trick-or-Treating route starts on Oakton St. at the Crafty Beaver parking lot, next to the Skokie Swift Oakton stop and extends West to the intersection of Lincoln Ave. where the Trick-or-Treating continues North to the St. Peter Catholic Church and South to the intersection of Galitz St.
Kids can pick up Trick-or-Treat bags at the Crafty Beaver starting point or Krier Plaza courtesy of North Shore Community Bank & Trust / Wintrust Bank.
Some of the activity stations to be on the lookout for include the various music/dance stations spread out throughout the campus, including Soul Good Coffee outside Annie's Restaurant, Baird & Warner Realtor Iwona Radon with balloons and clown at Crafty Beaver, the SOZO Church, Waterway Carwash, and more to be announced soon.
All sponsoring tables and Downtown Merchants are encouraged to bring their own candy. We will provide as much as we can and we thank our candy sponsors: Walmart, Jewel-Osco, CostCo, Mariano's, and Target.
For any kids and families that find the event to be overstimulating, please head next door to the Chamber office at All Bright Therapies, 5006 Oakton St. for a Quiet Room sponsored by Twenty-One Senses.

Date and Time
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT
October 28, 2023
1 PM - 3PM
The Trick or Treat Event encompasses the "T" intersecting roads of downtown Skokie from Oakton St. starting at 4810 Oakton St and extends West to the intersection of Lincoln Ave. On Lincoln, trick-or-treaters can extend North to 8116 Niles Center Rd, or South to the Niles Center/Galitz/Lincoln Bus Stop.
Candy donations or cash sponsorships to purchase candy are accepted by all outside parties.
Hosting a Trick-or-Treat station is free to all Downtown Skokie Merchants.
Having a table for businesses located outside Downtown Skokie starts at $100 + an Active Skokie Chamber Membership. Please contact David to learn about additional sponsorship opportunities.
Contact Information
David Cohen
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